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Pipeline view
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to manage your deal stages in Pipedrive. You’ll see how to add and move deals, customize pipelines, set deal probabilities, and use features like deal rotting alerts and transferring deals. You’ll also learn how to filter your pipeline to keep it organized and focused on the most important deals. This will help you streamline your sales process and stay on top of your activities.
Suggestion :
Contact sync
1 min
Activities and calendar
3 mins
Calendar sync
1 min
Choose the best plan for you
5 mins
Deal forecast view
2 mins
Deal rotting
2 mins
Detail view
2 mins
3 mins
How your data is organized
4 mins
Import from a spreadsheet
3 mins
7 mins
Invite your team and start selling
2 mins
Leads inbox
3 mins
List view
4 mins
Pipedrive's mobile app
9 mins
Sales Inbox
8 mins
Sync your tools with Pipedrive
2 mins