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Leads inbox
In the early stages of your lead generation process, you may find yourself with a lot of potential deals sitting in the early stages of your pipeline, not ready to move forward through the sales process but also not cold enough to be lost or deleted. This can cause a lot of clutter in your workspace and can distract you from focusing on the deals that need your immediate attention. Pipedrive’s Leads Inbox is a separate inbox to keep your prequalified leads in before they become deals. Once you decide which leads can be qualified, you can easily convert them to deals and add them directly into your pipeline to start your sales process.
Suggestion :
Contact sync
1 min
Activities and calendar
3 mins
Calendar sync
1 min
Choose the best plan for you
5 mins
Detail view
2 mins
3 mins
How your data is organized
4 mins
Import from a spreadsheet
3 mins
7 mins
Invite your team and start selling
2 mins
12 mins
Leads reporting
3 mins
List view
5 mins
Pipedrive's mobile app
9 mins
Pipeline view
4 mins
Sales Inbox
8 mins
Sync your tools with Pipedrive
2 mins
Web Forms
4 mins